Backstory Brief


In the blog, we are going to be planning a 2D game as a group, titled ‘escape from Coleg Gwent’. In our group, we have set each other roles. For this project, I will be responsible for the narrative and gameplay.

Initial Ideas

Our group discussed different approaches we could take for this project, however, given the title we had to use was ‘Escape from Coleg Gwent’, we thought it was most suitable to aim for a horror themed game.

We considered games such as Little Nightmares or the mobile app Temple Run and the 2010 horror-adventure game Limbo. Ultimately, we decided to base our game idea on something similar to Limbo.

LIMBO Game | PS4 - PlayStation

The game is a dark game, with two primary colours – black and white. The game uses contrast between these two to add features and textures in their levels. They also use bright light to signify an objective or item of significance in the game.

(here is a story brief I created not long ago that I am going to put into this blog)

Story (Escape from Coleg Gwent)

Using the contrasting style and the game we have in mind, the story needs to feature an objective or a goal to be trying to escape from Coleg Gwent in the first place. Much like the spider chase scene in Limbo, we thought it was best to make Coleg Gwent chase the player… Here is a brief story we put together:

The protagonist (player) has to traverse through an environment of various puzzles, obstacles and traps in order to save fellow students hopelessly lost along the way. The goal is to reach a world of light, a world of safety, away from the grasp of the ‘Coleg Gwent monster’ (currently lacking a better alias).

The player will have a persistent looming sensation of danger as they are unknowingly being chased by a dark creature throughout the entire gameplay. However, this creature’s presence isn’t always known unless it wants it to be.


I will be able to discuss more with a group and plan more of the game dev idea. However, I like the idea of using Limbo as our main idea as I think its suitable.

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