Character Movement Cycles/Rigging a Character


In this workshop, we are going to be using After Effects and studying how the human body moves to create a realistic walk cycle in After Effects.

Aims and Objectives

Aim – Produce a walk cycle using keyframe animation

Objectives –

  • Identify how the body moves whilst walking.
  • Produce a walk cycle in After Effects.
  • Discuss the advantages of using walk cycle.
What is a walk cycle?

A walk cycle is a series of frames or illustrations drawn in a sequence that loops to create an animation of a walking character

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walk cycle animation gif | WiffleGif
Advantages to a Walk Cycle

The cycle of the animation can be looped to save time and you aren’t required to animate each step.

The process can be broken down into a series of steps which can go some distance in simplifying the process.

Another advantage of creating a walk cycle would be that it creates a fluid animation if done right with enough frames.

In order to know when to stop animating and once we’ve finished the cycle, our last frame will be the same as our first frame. There are four key poses in a walk cycle that we have to map out first before we are able to exaggerate and add character.


A contact pose includes the part of the animation cycle that reaches contact with the ground. In this case, it would be when the feet touch the ground.

(When animating a walk cycle, it does NOT matter which frame you begin with, as long as you finish with the same frame).

The motion and direction of the arms is opposite to the legs when we walk, this is to help balance us when we walk. We also slightly rotate our shoulders and hips when we walk, which is exaggerated in the image above.


The force and speed of the movement will determine how far the arms and legs reach. The body weight of the person will need to shift appropriately to enable the body to maintain a balance.


The frame is simply where the back leg transitions over into the next step and in front of the previous leg, just as you would expect when walking. As the legs are moving, the arms move accordingly in the opposite direction for balance – like clockwork.


The back leg is extended to reach the highest point of the cycle. Shoulders appear to be relaxed and his head is held up.

Walk Cycle Research 1 – Initial Ideas | Edward Boyle ...

This example of a walk cycle is very clearly demonstrating sad and hopeless emotions. His arms and his back have no structure or care about them and his head is held down low as if he is ashamed or has given up on something. His feet drag behind him too.


This blog is a closer study of how characters are animated, animators use different mannerisms and walk/run cycles of their character to portray their emotions – such as numb and dragging limbs to resemble someone who is sad, or powerful and directed movements to resemble anger or determination.

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