Grey Boxing in UE


This is an introduction to the idea of grey boxing in Unreal Engine. The process of grey boxing is relatively straight forward. The idea is to create a basic scene in Unreal Engine using simple shapes, such as grey boxes.

Grey boxing is meant to give the creator an idea of how the scene will look after it’s done. It gives a general layout of the scene and what looks best where. In Unreal Engine, it is important to begin with a blank scene.

I can take some knowledge from previous workshops and blogs to add shapes of different sizes and variants. The basic idea of grey boxing is to create an environment suited to your genre or initial idea. For example, for my asset pack project we plan to set the scene in a sand-covered dystopian world, destroyed cities and scrap metal and junk thrown about everywhere.

Here a member of my group posted their current progress designing a brief level in Unreal Engine. Bayley has gone further than using simple shapes and has started shaping the landscape.


As I was absent for this workshop I think I still gained a good understanding of grey boxing and why we use it. It seems like a simple idea, it would be useful for getting a general sense of the surroundings and allowing us to begin planning the placement of our assets.

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