Backstory for Ancient Civilisation


My group had to create a brief and summarising backstory that would explain our ideas. We needed a story that would lead up to the dystopian deserted world we plan on creating and a reason behind the fall of man-kind and technology.


Thousands of years in the future, the oceans on Earth dried out. This unleashed mass dehydration and malnutrition upon every living thing. In a desperate attempt to restore life, a corporation infamously known amongst survivors as EcoLife, created machines to do their work for them. These machines were tasked with the job to salvage any remaining water so it can cycle through Earth once again. However, having misunderstood their orders, these killing machines discovered that humans themselves are 70% water. As a result, a mass genocide spread across Earth, forcing humans to fight for their lives with little of what’s left.

Here are some images we used for inspiration:

P_2048. I started personal project. #2048 #dystopia # ...
Desert City by mrainbowwj | RPG - Cenários e outros ...
Desert City by mrainbowwj on Pinterest.

Some defining characteristic of this genre is the ancient Japanese styled architecture and traditions. Alongside the transport that has been modelled by Kai. I also think that the life-threatening killing machines created by ‘EcoLife’ are also a distinctive feature for our group’s backstory.

I wanted to create killing machines as the element of death and risk in this story as it is an idea I’ve seen used before and I really like it. I think it is still a relatively new and much less mainstream idea and I wanted to make use of that.

Bayley’s part of the backstory is the characters. How man-kind as devolved since Earth began to devolve and how people have used what little they have left to aid them. Kai’s part of the project and story is to emphasise how desperate the situation is and how time, decay and death has lead to people creating primitive weapons out of scrap and primitive buildings and transport out of anything they can find. Aaron’s part of the project is to create architecture that is relevant to ancient Japan whilst sticking with the dystopian theme. Perhaps a building that is reinforced with tin sheets and scrap metal.


This is a summary of our group project’s backstory and explaining in more detail why we decided to model the things we did. I think that our group has covered quite a few valid aspect of the story and what life could be like if this situation was real.

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