Idea Generation


For this task, we used randomly generated word prompts from the class to use as inspiration and ideas for our character and story desgin.

We had word prompts that we could use to generate a game idea. Our word prompts were; Mozzarella, Trench coat, Rubber Ducky, Fox, Bosnia. From this we decided to base our game idea on LA Noire, and create a fox character that acts as a detective. We used the idea of a rubber duck as his sidekick in the game, also a persona created by his mental illness, schizophrenia. This duck character will help him solve investigations and crimes.

For the next lesson we had, we had to finish our mood board and blog about the process and how we generated the word prompts we used. The task was different from what we usually do in lesson and this was interesting to see what people came up with.

The hardest part of this task, despite trying to think of a valid story for our game, was the use of the word prompt ‘mozzarella’. In the end we decided to use Mozzarella pizza as his biggest weakness. We also struggled with the location: Bosnia. Foxes aren’t usually found in Bosnia, however we decided it would help give our game diversity.


Overall, this task was fun and creative so I enjoyed it more. It was interesting to see what ideas other people came up with and the artwork they created for it. Some of our word prompts clashed a little, this made thinking of a somewhat good game idea harder as we needed to put more thought into it.

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