Effective Collaboration Techniques


Our objective today is to demonstrate an understanding of collaboration practices showing consideration and professionalism in working with others.


Research task: Find different collaborative ways to share, organise and plan work.


Discord can be used for effective communication and sharing conversations and ideas together. Discord is free and easy to use. Discord allows you to screen share too which is very helpful for getting any ideas across. Other similar forms of communication include TeamSpeak and Skype.  


Google Docs is one way we’re familiar with were people can share their work live and have automatic updates. However, another way to share our work is through something called Quip, where teams can import work live on different file types. Edits for this are also saved automatically and its chat, comment and checklist features make tracking work and collaboration easier.  


Wimi apparently lets users have their own unified workspaces and can manage projects and share files and calendars. This would allow a group to be more organised, Wimi also makes use of cloud technology. 

I also think that Google Docs and discord chat systems and capabilities will help this organisation for groups such as webhooks for discord. 


Pinterest is a good way of putting ideas and concepts or mood board images all in one place.  


Here’s an example of webhooks in discord, from a sit called Discohooks. I have used these to set out important information and planning. You can add colours and font variants to signify the most relevant information.

Here’s my example of using Webhooks in discord for our college Esports server.

This is what a finish result may look like. Discord also allows you to create plenty of text and voice channels dedicated to certain topics and purposes which help layout a lot of work;


For this task I found it generally easy to find different collaboration tools for group work. I will work with Google Docs and Discord more frequently for our project work as I am most familiar with these.

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