3D Concept Art

A 3D modelled barrel in Maya, applied an ID map to it.

In Photoshop, we took the barrel ID map and 3D shape and used the orbit tool to get a full 360 view of the shape, we can do this by making the layer a 3D layer.

In photoshop, we have a 3D Menu and a tool we can use to adjust the direction of the light on our object.

Using Move tool gives you access to the move window
– orbit the camera in 3D|
– Pan tool and zoom in and out.

Preview ender, bakes in shadow and Ambient Occlusion

In Photoshop, we can use the light options to create and adjust the point light, spotlight, and infinite light. These will give the shape different lighting effects such as focussed light and constant evenly shared light.

Point light = 360 degree lighting from the source.

Spot light = Point of interest lighting (shines on a point of interest)

Infinite light – like a rim/directional light (shines in one particular direction).

In the lighting menu on photoshop, you can edit the colour of the light and shadow intensity.

3D menu

Here you can edit the values of different effects.

Creating an ID map for the barrel

Make a new layer whilst painting, use Ctrl +S to save any changes to the actual barrel.

Select colour range and select okay.

Be careful about clipping and use a seamless texture, textures.com is the best place to go for this.

Also use Alt + Drag to line the image up perfectly.

Then convert them to one smart object.

The barrel is obviously textured, with the gold bands having more height than the wood itself. The lighting of the barrel is also positioned facing the right of the barrel at the moment too.

Opacity is 0%, double click the layer and add a drop shadow to it. Then make the filter ‘overlay’ as it adds a burnt effect. This makes a painted shadow effect.

Inner shadow and multiply – this makes it look more realistic. Next we needed an image to use for the barrel, for this we used a black and white dragon logo.

Ctrl + I (this inverts the image)

Ctrl + Click on alpha channel selects all the white. Colour mask to show the only selection.

Duplicate layer to your barrel file.

Drag below your yellow bands.

Bevel and emboss the layer to add a nice effect.

Add a drop shadow to the layer to match the straps. The effects you did save in your layer effects so it is better to do all of the additional details together so they match.

Copy the hex code so that all your pieces match.

Copy the layer style to cope the effects.

Final texture without a normal map ^^^

Generates normals based on the base colour.

Final texture with normal map. Next we added a metallic map to the barrel.

We played around with the textures and the effects, we tried using stone texture on the barrel instead of a wooden panel texture which complimented the colour of the dragon nicely.

To add more detail and texture we added rust and set the layer mode to multiply.

Final texture with grunge effects

Here is the render button used in Photoshop

This workshop was similar to something we have done before for modelling our tanks etc, however I was watching this from home and got easily confused on some of the steps. I also wasnt able to access Maya from home so I had to follow along and watch this workshop which got boring very quickly.

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